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- Colleen S. Myers
Burning Bright Page 7
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Page 7
Flick launched himself at the guy. He got in one hard punch to the guys nose. Jacob moved close and attempted a bear hug? What the fuck kind of fight was this.
Jacob’s mouth moved near his ear. “Bitty says hi, she is enjoying the time with your parents.”
“My Parents!”
By the time Flick reaalized exactly what he said, they’d pulled jacov off of him. “What about my parents?”
Jacob’s smirk returned even swarmier, I said wait until you mean the parents. Sorry if you got confused.”
“No, no you said you had my parents. Bentley.”
“We will take care ofhim. YOu gusy go back inside. This isn’ safe. More cops pulled up and FLick stared at the door. Brae and Sara went inside first, then john and VIcki, Mallory stood waiting for him, her hand out towards hers.
He couldn’t take it. IF bitty had his mom, his dad? His rocks. Nothing would keep him away. He stared around him and could see from the streets where they were. He was miles from home but he could uber.
He took off inside brushign past Mallory who remained hot on his heals. “Flick, you didnt have to do that.”
“DO what?”
“Hit him.”
Flick laughed. “He’s lucky there are cops around or it would have been much worse.”
Mallory put a hand on his arm. “Flick.”
He glanced down at her and her little curl. “Mallory.”
His hands came up and cradled her face and he took her lips, softly with reverence. “You deserve someone who will fight for you. Who will take offense at the thought of hurt to you.” A kis between every sentance until he coudl baarely breath. “I would love to be that man>
Mallor put her hands over his on her cheeks and they stared.
Vicki came down the stairs and then slowed. “Um sorry. Didnt meant to interupt. She took off for the kitchen”
Mallory burrowed her face into his shoulder. He caressed a hand down her hair. “It’s true.”
Mallory lifted her head. What are you doing now?”
“I needed to go to my room quick and then I willl be down.”
She narrowed her eyes at him but noted. “See you in the living room.”
HE wasn’t going to go back to the living room. Vitty had his mom and dad. He was going to get his phone. Get a freaking Uber and head off this bitch himself.
Mallory still shook from seeing Jacob, from watching Flick take him down. From the kiss. IT had been an eventful couple of days. One thing she couldnt get over was flicks face. Fear, rage, purpose. He was plannign something.
She’d heard what Jacob said with her vulcan hearing. He mentioned bitty and Flicks parents. The bitch went after his parents. There was no way he was staying here while they were in harms way. He was going to break out and go to them and she was too. Whether he liked it or not. And she had a plan as well.
She ran to her own room quick and wrote out some notes, Addressed to Brare an John, then lay in wait outside Flicks room.
It didnt take long for him to exit the room and go to the window. He opened the latch and lifted the window frame.
As soon as he got one leg out the window, she pounted.
“Going somewhere?”
FLick twisted. “Shit, you scared me.”
“Where are you going?” She put her hands on her hip waiting.
Flick opened his mouth and no words came out. “Um.”
He blinked and then threw himself the rest of the way out the window and she quickly followed.
She managed to get a hand on his jeans and let him tow her the next few feet into the trees next to the whouse.
He grabbed her hand and swung her around in front of him. “Stop. Bitty has my parents. I need to take care of her.”
“Where is she?”
“Jacob implied she is keeping them in our home.”
“What are you going to do? Go blaring in and demand them back. What’s the plan, we need yoru friends and cops involved.”
“No, that will scare her and my mom might get hurt.”
“You a mommy’s boy?”
“I surely am.”
“Okay lets do it.” She looked around. “How?”
“I ordered an uber.”
She sputtered. “Organized. I like it.”
He reached out and took her hand in his, twining their fingers. “I like you.”
She felt her cheeks heat. “I like you too.”
“I meant what I said the otehr night.”
“I know.”
Their talk was interepted by the arrival of the uber. Jose stepped
BEntly pulled up in front of them, red and blue lights flaring. His car blocked the intersection and he got out and held out his hands.
“Damn it.”
Mallory put a hand on his knee.
Bentley made a roll down the window motion.
Flick sighed. “Yes officer.”
“Officer my ass, get out of the car. Talk plans, don’t just rush in half ass.
Flick stood with his arm around Mallory friend surrounding him. As it should be.
Brae held Mina while Sara grabbed her a plate of food. John fussed over Vicki. Joonie stood in one corner glaring at Bentley and Christine in the other. His own parents sat on the couch snuggling and John’s mom cooked.
His heart squeezed. He was damn lucky in his friends. His family. And hopefully in his love.
He squeezed her into his side and she pinched him back in retaliation. “Watch it now.”
“I just cuddling.”
She rolled her eyes. The bruises on her face were fading. She still had a swollen lip. Bitty looked worse he was sure. His woman knew how to pack a punch.
Bitty left the police station under escort. Out of bail. Time to plan again. They thought they won but they were dreaming. She woudl never give up. Call her the energizer bunny. She was going to bring them down. Bring them all down.
As soon as she got in the car, she had them take her home. To her real home, David’s house. Where all her dreams started. She missed David. She let Flick turn her head but it had alwasy been David for her. Even when he was with someone else.
When they pulled up to the curb, it felt safe. Amazing. Sane.
She could admit, she hadn’t been sane these past couple of weeks. She sauntered in the door and spun in the hardwood entry with its huge staircase.
On the second revoluation is when she saw her. David’s mother. When did she get out of jail?
She stopped and stumbled forward. “Delilah!”
David’s mother smiled grimly, she’d lost weight, her skin sagged and her eyes glittered. She tripped down the steps to Bitty. “Belinda.”
They hugged. “You poor woman. Let me get you something to eat. I can order..” Delilah did not let her go, she held on like a leper. “What are you doing?”
“Sorry.” Delilah stepped back. “I just really need a hug.”
Poor sad lady. “Let me get you something-”
“How is the baby?”
“What?” Oh right, she’d told Delilah she was pregnant. She pinched her side to get tears. “I lost her. It was a little girl.” She cradled her belly and tried to own it.
Delilah didn’t blink. “It was all a lie wasn’t it? All of it?”
Bitty stepped backward and dredged up more tears. “What do you mean? Your like a mother to me.”
Delilah moved into the space she abandoned. “Did you know that there was video in the hospital? I had my people working with the police getting all the video. You were there the night David died.”
Bitty’s mouth opened and closed. “I wasn’t. I told you that. He died from complications of his surgery from the shot. The shot Braeson took.”
“I talked to the doctors. He was stable and t
hen just had an arythmia and died. From a routine shoulder surgery. Highly unlikely. The cops agree. And they have proof. They will be charging you soon. I could have lived with you going after vicki, after all those people. Braeson, Randolph. But David? My David. My son.”
She moved close and bitty stepped back toward the door slowly. This was not going as she planned. Delilah was a bit unstable. Safest thing would be to get the police. She slipped a hand into her bag and Delilah struck.
She slapped Bitty hard and bitty fell to the hardwood floor.
“I’ve dealt with women like you my whole life. Low class. Trash seeking to improve their circumstance by latching onto familys like mine. Rich. Noble. Pure. My son had to see right through you. He loved Vicki. They were a good couple, I can admit that now. But you. Your trash.”
Bitty went to move backward and that was when Delilah pulled out her gun.
She held it pointed straight at her, hands rock steady. “You killed my son.”
“No, no. You’re crazy. It wasn’t me. I loved David. We were married. I carried your grandson. I could have another. I kept some of his sperm.” NOt really but this lady didnt need to know that.
Delilah laughed. “Don’t lie to me.” Each word emphazie by a wave of her gun. “I didnt tell anyone how we planned to shoot vicki at the funeral. You know why? Because then they woudl look at you and I wanted you to stay free long enough that I could take care of you. You killed my son. You exectured him after going after his wife. His real wife and then took over my business? My house that I gave him. Mine. My family. The watters’. You are not good enough to like our boots let alone inherit. I was not going to let that happen. I would rather it all burn down than have garbage like you taking up space.”
Bitty had almost reached the door. Let her talk. All she needed to do was get out of the door...
The shot surprised her. It really shouldn’t have. After all, she told me. She glanced down. The shot was in her pelvis.
“You think I wanted filth like you carrying my grandchild? I want you to die in agony for what you did to my son. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to settle for this.”
“You wont get away with this.”
“I will. After all you’ve been hiding now for weeks. They will thnk you ran away and it was a good thing you had us both change our wills. You have me leave you everythign and you did the same with me. Didn’t you? You meant it to reassure me. To get me to attack vicki but that backfired o you didnt it, you dumb bitch. Now you need to die for me so I can move on with my life.”
Bitty’s curled up and tried to crawl away. Anythign to get away from the pain. Her eyes watered and she realized she wasn’t seeing double, there was someone behind Delilah. Her dad’s second in command. She smiled. Delilah didnt see him, the dumb bitch.
“That wont happen bitch.” She said.
The man stepped foward. “For either of you.”
Delilah turned but he had his gun pressed toher forehead. “NO.”
Delilah lifted the gun and another man came and grabbed it from her hands.
Bitty laughed. “Perfect. See you dumb bitch. My will be done!”
“NOt quite,” the first man said. He took Delilah’s gun and walked forward.
She stared down the barrel and then it was done.
Delilah jerked. “You’re going to kill me now.”
“Yes. But I fave you your last wish. I killed her for you. And now you are going to kill yoruself and it will be a murder suicide and your legacy is safe.”
Delilah stopepd fighting. “Thank you.”
The final shot.
They finally had that picnic at his parents house. His mom had gotten out of the hospital a week ago. His dad a few days later. They were beat up but none the worse for wear. He didnt’ know what he would have done if anythign happened to them. He still didnt know how he didnt pull the trigger and kill bitty himself.
Thankfully fate took care of that. Delilah killed her in a murder suicide and life could go on as it was supposed too. He no longer had that hunted feeling. No more threat to his family. But the fear remained.
He watched his father flipping burgers on teh grill. John and Brae played basketball, Vicki sat craddlign her stomach surrounded by Sara, mina and all the mothers. HIs own, Her own, Saras and johns. They were already planning a baby shower.
Happy ending for all.
He shoudl be happy, right?
But as usual. He was alone. He’d called Mallory but after he got her caught up in all this, it was now surprise she said now. He’d thought they started something but alas, the flick was wrong.
He took a gulp of his beer. BEntly walked into the back garden with CHristine behind him. Joonie taking the rear. SHe’d taken to carrying a cane like Mallory’s dad.
And really everything led back to Mallory.
She hadn’t returned his call this morning. He kept tring but I guess he needed to get a clue. The girl was not intersted.
He sighed and joined his dad at the grill.
RANDOLPH "FLICK" JOHNSON was the good guy, the funny one, the laid-back one and he was really sick of it. Sick of being alone and sick of being there for everyone. Did that make him selfish? Maybe. Did he care. Damn it, yes.
Mallory Weiss had something to prove. She wasn't an ice queen, she just forgot to notice people sometimes but she did notice Flick and his daredevil ways. He was the opposite of she she looked for and exactly what she needed.
This time, he's the one in trouble and she would be his savior or die trying.
Delilah Watters stared at the television.
Belinda was dead. Her grandchild was dead. Her fingers went numb and the tray she held fell to clatter on the floor. She didnt care about the mess. She stared harder at the television and watched a reply of the body behign taken out of the house.
A stain marred the middle of the pile.
Her fingers curled into fists and she stared.
The blood spread efore her eyes. A guard grabbed her arm she shrugged them off and moved closer.
Shot by police. She read. They’d killed her.
As she watched they showed a picture of the man. The man she’d last seen with CHristine Masterson, her former friend. The snake, the viper. She’d done this to protect her daughter. She’d always been jealous of how close Delilah was to her son. And now she’d gotten the ultimate revenge or so she thought.
Laughter slipped out of her lips. She jolted as she felt the shot into her side. She’d get out soon and then she’d pay