Burning Bright Page 6
She winked and slid in next to her. Flik went back to his dinner preparation. “Your going to fit in great. We are all real tight but new blood is good, keeps us healthy. And I like how Flick acts around you.”
“And how is that.”
“He act like himself, not like some middle class dude making mone for his wife to spend which is what His Ex, the real one, Wanted him to become. Golf lessons, Coutry club memberships and fancy dinnerparties. Not Flicks cuppa. This is flicks cuppo. Family friends gather. It is perfect. If not for the looming presence of the bitch bitty.
“The bith must die! Vicki walked into the kitchen and proglaimed
Flick stirred the noodles before grabbing a piece and tasting it. “Perfect, al dente.”
He put in some bacon bits that he had friend early, added cheese and some more olive oil for the perfect chicken carbonarra.
Mallory nearly sighed at the first taste. It had been a long night after all. “This is so good.”
Flick smiled. “Glad you like it. I like cooking. It’s fun. Like science. I can concoct things.”
She grinned at him over her plate.
He went to work doling out everyone’s plates and the family trickled in. Mina, Brae, Sara in one corner. John and Vicki in another and that left her and Flick. It very much felt like a date. Another one. That she was meeting his friends and getting to know the family without the specter of a psycho killer coming to kill her.
It was nice.
The first few minutes of the meal were spent in silence and chewing. The chicken was fantastic. Crisp, yet juicy and the cheese and the bacon. She loved eating. She couldn't cook but having a boy friend that could would be handy. She couldn't keep her eyes fro straying to Flick who told a story to Sara. As if he felt her eyes he turned and winked at her before finishing his story.
That he noticed and cared, made her heart ache. That might be the beer talking too which flowed just as freely. Once our bellies got full, that was when th stories started. Boy, were there a lot of stories.
“So I want to tell you about this one time.”
John and Brae groaned and Flick laughed. “Do it.”
“It is of young John here pinning over his lady love, Vicki. We went to every foot back game, high school game where cheerleaders might be needed and we watched over you. Not in a stalker way. More just protective and caring. One night Flick lit his own ass on fire as we passed the time at these long interminable games.
Mallory raised an eye brow at him. “Yes, yes. I did it. Did you know polyester does not burn?it melts. Becomes like wax and you have to rip it off. I got a real clean Brazilian wax that time I tell ya.
Mallory had to hold a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. “Poor hairless flick.”
“Oh I wasn’t hairless, just my bung hole. Smooth as a kitten>”
“Dude.” Sara said. She covered her daughter’s ears. Not that she heard. She was absorbed in her ipad while the adults talked.
“Sorry,” he took a drink of beer. “It really was though he murmured under his breath.
“So, now that we have heard an embarrassing Flick story, let me tell you about my friend Brae here.
Brae crossed his arms and glared at him. “Let’s not.”
“This man was so whipped...”
Sara slapped Flick on the arm. “Hey!”
Brae uncrossed his arms and put a hand on Sara’s shoulder. “I admit it. I love being whipped.”
Vicki coughed and spit a nice bit of water into John’s face. “I am so sorry.” She whispered behind her fingers. John himself had pushed himself back and wiped off his face shaking his head.
Sara howled and Brae just laughed and winked at her.
Vicki finally settled down and John rubbed a hand down her face. She turned her head to kiss.
Mallory felt a pang and when she looked over at Flick a second later, she could tell he was feeling the same thing. He had this longing in his eyes when he stared at his friends. OR maybe she was reading into it. she leaned against John happy as could be across from her.
Mallory gulped her beer and sighed. You had to love a cold beer. You had to love how the beer made you feel. Less inhibitted. She sat back and watched as these high school friends talked and told stories. She could see the bond between them as they talked and more and more she felt outside. It had alwasy just been her and her dad. Her mom died in childbirth and there were no relatives and ore than she wanted to name. All these hanger onners but no real family except her dad. These people were family willing to die for each other. But she was the one in danger her.
Why the fuck was she in danger?
She gulped down anotehr beer and another watchign them talk. They’d stopped trying to talk to her ages ago and it was abou time. She didnt want to talk. For fuck sake, someone trie dto Kill her today and they were telling prant stories? Must be nice to be that relaxed. That calm.
It wasn’t their ass on the lines anymore it was hers and taht wasn’t freaking fair. It wasn’t. How did she get drawn into these things? She hadnt wanted any of this and now look where she was? In a freakig house party with the cleavers or whatever teh hell the were.
Now that we have eateb I belive it is time for a game of cut throat gin rummy.
“Gin rummy, John said scoffing.
“We have kids here. Nothign with strip and nothign with gamble. So rummy it is!
Vicki held up her arms liek a prized fighter. “You bitches are going down.”
John froze. “I love when you cuss.”
REd flooded her cheeks and she brought her hands down on his shoulders and they shared a kiss.
“DO YOU TWO MIND>” Sara said loudly.
Mallory had to agree. Until she looked sideways and saw Brae move closer and put an arm around Sara’s waist from behind. “Dont be jealous.”
Gah. She was surrounded by horny toadeds. Her eyes drifted to Flick who looked straight at her and she felt heat flood her own cheeks.
“I will get teh cards. The repriece let her calm down. She put a hand on her stomach and rooted through the closet.
Mallory opened her eyes into a pair of bright blue ones. A little girls face. She nearly groaned but the little girl looked so happy. She smiled down at her and she didnt have the heart to be grumpy.
“Hi,” the girl whispered. “I’m Mina.”
“Hello Mina.”
“Are you still sleeping?”
Ha. “Um, no.”
“Good.” She held out a Barbie. “Want to play?”
Mallory sat up slowly lettering head head settle and her stomach. God, how much had she drunk last night? It all seemed a blur. Her belched and had to wave a hnd in from of her face to alleviate the stench then covered her mouth. “Excuse me.”
The little girl smield and continue to hold out the doll. She almost seemed a bit deranged but then all kids seemed that way to her.
Mallory grabbed the doll and sat o the edge of her bed. “What do you want to play?”
“Lets sword fight!”
She hit Mallory’s doll with her own making light saber noises. “
Bitty threw her glass against the wall. How could they have disappeared? She had that bitch dead to rights. She was a crack shot. How did she miss?
And then Randolph ran to her rescue.
The cops responded too quickly for her to get around for a better shot without getting caught. Damn it.
She paced her little room in the back room of her dad’s warehouse. One of his many clandestine locations. None of his men really wanted to help her. She got all his money but that was it. Another guy was taking control of the business and that was fine with her. She just needed the men for one final job. After seeing Randolph run and hug that bitch.
He didn't deserve her.
Both of them had to go. All of them. The whole lot of them and she had the perfect idea.
br /> Boom.
Flick sat next to Mallory on her bed. Trying hard to not notice it was her bed and it was all warm and inviting.
“I’m so sorry.”
“You do not have to keep saying that.”
“But I am,” she said. “I don’t normally drink and I guess I was more upset by the shooting that I let on.
Vicki walked into the kitchen and went straight to the coffee maker.
Mallory sauntered in behind her. “How many weeks are you?” she asked in a low voice.”
Vicki fumbled the cup she’d picked up and it rolled on the counter. “What?”
“How many weeks?” Mallory grinned. “I’m a girl. I can tell when a girl has a glow.”
She blushed and pulled Mallory closed. “I haven’t even told John yet.” She a keurig in the brewer and hit start. “I think I am about 8 weeks. Not sure. I just missed my period and I haven’t seen a doctor yet.”
“Why haven’t you seen a doctor?” She had to curl her hand to keep it from touching her tummy.
“With all this craziness with Bitty, life has been crazy and I don’t want anyone to worry. This will be the first Masterson Great grand baby. My mother and Grandmother are going to go nuts. They would have me wrapped up in bubble tape and thrown in a closet somewhere.”
“Your grandmother is a hoot.”
“She gave up caring what anyone else though long ago.” Vicki said dryly. She opened the fridge to grab some creamer and poured some in her coffee. “Do you want one?”
“Yes. I love coffee.” Mallory said with relish. She perused the k-cups and grabbed a hazelnut.
Laughter flooded the room and she looked over to see John doubled over laughing and Flick with his hands up telling some story of other.
He looked so happy. With a huge smile.
“They’ve been friends since grade school.” Vicki said.
She turned. “Hmm?”
Vicki sipped her coffee and pointed to the fridge.
There was a single picture. IT showed Sara and Brae from earlier on one side. John on the other with Flick with his arms out and around them. They all smiled at the camera.
“You’re not in here?”
“No. I went to school with them but we ran in different crowds. She scanned her top to toe. “You would know about that. Family obligations and money. I didn’t really have any good friends. Mine was more social obligations but those guys. They are family.”
“It’s nice.”
“Its more than nice. It’s amazing having friends like them. There for each other no matter what. It was what I always wanted.”
“And now you are a part of it.”
Vicki smiled and rubbed her belly, smoothing the dress. “Yes.”
Mallory finished making her own coffee and pointed to her. “You keep doing that. He’s going to know quick.”
Vicki smiled wider and glanced at her man. He looked over at just the right minute and they look they ex hanged made her jealous. She always wanted that. The intimacy of knowing the person was there for you no matter what. That when you were thinking of them, at right that moment they were thinking of you and your eyes meet. The idea gave her shivers, she took a sip of coffee.
Sara wandered over and made eyes are her. “Can I have some coffee?”
Vicki said. “Of course.”
The atmosphere instantly cooled. Mallory straightened up with her coffee. “Let me get out of the way.”
Sara grabbed her arm as she passed. “No stay.”
Mallory glanced down at her fingers. Her forearm tensed and she forced herself to relax. “Okay.”
Vicki made Sara her coffee and a minute passed. Sara mixed in sugar but no cream.
Weird to think that me and John had the same type but looking at the girls talked, he realized they did. He liked tidy and neat. The school teacher vibe. Which was weird given his mother was a school teacher but hey. He liked it. John liked the girly and sophisticated but both women were a bit sophisticated. No wonder they’d taken to each other. Both women while tidy also had this air of softness about them. Sara on the other hand did not have that. She had the air of I will eat your heart out if you try attitude, which was why he loved her. As a friend of course, her and Brae were soul mates.
That was always what he wanted. He’d seen his friends grow up and find their perfect other half. While he might talk smart, he really always just wanted his own partner that could take his attitude and give it right back.
The thought of living alone made him sad.
John poked him in the arm. “The women seemed to be getting along.”
Flick Nodded and continued his stare. “Yeah.”
“YOu might wnat to stop staring at her.”
Wait what?”
“Who? Vicki?”
John laughed. “Vicki is hot but no, I meant Mallory. Your attraction is obcious but give the girl a break.”
Flick sighed and turne dto his friend deliberately turning his back to the sight of the women. “When you’re right, you’re right.”
“And when it’s tight. It’s tight.” John said.
He laughed.
Brae walked up stretching, his tattos on full display.
Bitty stood in the driveway behind a bush watching the house. Her plan was foolproof. The Johnson’s had just returned home. They were predictable. Which made it easy to plan against them. Mr. Johnson went into the house first and Mrs. J watered the plants. As soon as they sat down for their nightly snack, they were hers.
She nearly rubbed her hands together.
Waiting was the hard people for most people. Not for her. She loved knowing that she had power over someone else. It made her hot. She nearly giggled and had to control herself.
Calm down.
Once she had his parents, she had Randolph and all his friends in her grasp. No more going after her enemies. She was laying a trap. Flick would come to her if he wanted his parents to live and there would be some sacrifices made.
By him.
Flick rolled over in bed and stretched. He heard the distance sound of a television somewhere. He stood up ad scratched his ass as he walked towards the kitchen.
Coffee first, then interaction.
His phone dinged.
He diverted back and grabbed the cell. His parents sent him a message. He unlocked the phone before swiping up and then nearly dropped it.
His parents tied up. Dad’s face was bleeding. Duct tape over their mouths. What the fuck was this he ran downstairs.
John sat at a desk and glanced up with a smile as he reached the bottom step. His face went from happy to concerned in a blink like he knew.
“Whats wrong?”
Flick aimed toward the table and sat down waiting for the text. There would be a text something.
John stood over his shoulder lookgin at the screen. “What the fuck. Brae!” he called out. “Sara.”
The rest of his friends rushed into the room followed by Mallory and Vicki.
“What is it?” Sara asked.
Flick tried to make words but they weren’t coming out.
John answered, his voice grim. “Bitty has his parents.”
Mallory gasped. “That bitch.”
Vicki held onto her stomach while Brae and Sara swore.
“What does she want?”
Flick let their words wash over him and stared at the phone, waiting.
A hand came down on his shoulder. He glanced up. Mallory. The rest of his friend still talked but he only saw her.
“It’ll be okay.” She said.
They stared at teh screen togetehr. Willing a text. A call. Anything.
“Call Bentley,” John said.
“No. I can’t call from this phone. She might call or text. You call.”
John left the room to do
just that. Vicki trailed him.
Flick hands shook a bit at he waited.
When the text came he nearly dropped his phone.
“What the fuck does that mean? Brae asked.
Flick’s mind went blank. Silicon dioxie. Glass. Bitty couldn’t mean drink glass, has to be window glass.
He got up and ran to his room. They weren’t supposed to open the shutters but he had to try. His window was empty.
He ran to the next and the next until he saw the commotion at the fronts. The guards had a body on the ground. Before he coudl think about it he went outside.
Mallory was in the group behidn him and gasped.
“Who’s Jacob?” they all asked.
One look at the sick look on Mallory’s face, the hand on her belly, the fear. He knew. This was her stalker. This was all part of some bullshit plan to get to her. Whether Bitty put her up to it or it just happened concurrently.
Flick ran up to the guy who only smirked. As he got closer, he saw how much taller and fitter he was. Jacob back up and his smirk faded.
He swallowed hard and held up his hands. “I am just here to deliver a message to my old friend Mallory,” the fucking tease, he muttered under his breath.
Flick kepts advancing until he was right up in his face. “What didyou say?”
Mallory put a hand on his arm. “Flick.”
He hed up a hand. “I know how to deal with trash like this?”
“Trash.” Jacob laughed in a light trill. “If anyone here is trash. I am thinking you in your dingy jeans.”
“Awww, see you judge class by clothes and things. I judge class by integrity, honor and class. SO yes. YOu are trash that hurt a woman I care about and I want you gone.”
Bently had arrived by that point.
HE pushed between the two men. “Stop this is useless.”
Jacob leaned forward. “There are a lot of useless things happening tonight. I had a message for you but I really dont’ feel like sharing anymore.