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Blood Will Tell Page 6

  He raised his eyebrows. “Got to find power first, Isa.”

  “There are such things as generators. We can scavenge so much out there. We could survive all on our own.”

  “No, we can't. Not us. My family will hunt me. The vampires will hunt you as they hunt your mother for what she knows and what she made against them. We can never stop running.”

  Isabelle's smile faded. Her enthusiasm faded. She laid down on the bed, pulling the cover up to her chin. “Yeah, I guess it’s not realistic to think they would let us go.”

  Roke grabbed a blanket from the table she hadn't even see him bring in and sat with his back to the bed. Smoothing her hair, he said “I'm sorry, Isa.”

  “Sorry doesn’t make it any less true.”

  Chapter Nine

  Surprisingly, she slept well that night. The boat rocked her to sleep. When she woke up, they'd travelled to the next lock. They travelled during the day and rested at night. Better not to travel too far blind. Raiders liked to riddle the water with traps, pile debris that would clog the engines. Seelybing in the current the crew rested after their fraught escape the night before.

  Isa woke to Roke's hand pushing back hair from her face. Her eyes drifted open.

  His eyes lit up when he saw she was awake. “Morning, sunshine.”

  She stretched and looked around. Pale, dawn light filtered through the porthole. “How long did I sleep?”

  “Eighteen hours. I was getting worried.” Huh, no wonder she felt so stiff.

  Her stomach rumbled, and her bladder didn’t feel so good either. “I’m hungry.”

  He inclined his head. “Let me get you some food.” Roke rushed from the room. She took care of the most urgent business before he returned, laden with pancakes.

  Munching, she cleaned the plate quickly. Roke didn't eat. He looked flushed, so he must have fed his own way.

  “What happens now?”

  “We travel to see your mom.”

  “How long?”

  “A few weeks. We have to be careful of raiders. They plague the river trade. So, while we avoid the raiders, we’re going to spend the time training.

  “Training what?”

  He inclined his head toward her. “You. You need to be able to protect yourself.”

  “Even here?”

  “Especially here.”

  And wasn’t that a depressing thought. Nowhere was safe anymore.

  “The crew is mainly men. Why do you think I stayed here last night?”

  Oh. “Well to be honest, I thought you were hitting on me.”

  He grinned and leaned toward her. “Can't it be both?”

  Yes. No. Um.

  Shrugging, she looked down at her clean plate. “So, training...”

  “Yes. Training.” Rolling up his sleeves, he folded the table up, giving them a clear space. “Do you have any training?”

  “No, the only thing I ever trained in was computers. I do my mandatory work outs, though, sometimes more. I didn't have too much of a life beyond that. I would go home to an empty house and read.”

  “You read? How did you get books?”

  She grinned. “I'm a hacker. The vampire might have limited general access but they couldn’t limit mine.” Her gaze met his as she said with a twist of her lips. “I’m good.”

  The sound of his laughter made her stomach flutter. “That you are. So, let’s talk defense.”

  “Okay.” Fists clenched, she raised them, making a face.

  Roke blinked stunned. “That was truly unfrightening. The opposite of frightening. So cute, it almost makes me want to cuddle—”

  “Oh, shut up.” She huffed.

  “Now that face. That is scary.”

  Eyes narrowing more, she moved toward him with visible ill intent just as Alex walked in the room.

  “Morning all.” He glanced around. “Rearranging my furniture?”

  “Roke is teaching me self-defense,” Isabelle replied.

  “Really?” He paced to the center of the room and stood next to Roke. “That’s like a cat teaching a mouse to be a cat. Want me to teach you?” Alex unbuttoned his shirt. Slipping off the fabric, he watched her as he let it drop to the floor. “I’m human after all, like you. Roke is...not.”

  For some reason, his flirtation made her want to laugh. Roke on the other hand did not seem amused.

  An edge to his voice, Roke responded. “She doesn't need someone weak teaching her. She needs to be strong.”

  “Weak?” Whirling, Alex stepped into him. “Weak? Who are you calling weak, lurch?”

  “If the shoes fits, blood bag.”

  Growling, Alex extended a baton from his hand, twisting it behind his back. Him and Roke were about equal height with Alex more muscled. He gave an air of authority and capability to counter Roke's air of lethality.

  This would be good. Wait. She should probably stop this. With a sigh, Isabelle stepped between them.

  “I really don't care who teaches me. I just want to be able to defend myself.” They continued to eye squabble in front of her, but no blood spilled.

  Roke stated emphatically. “I will teach her.”

  “Fine.” Alex backed up with a smirk. “I will teach her...other things.” Isabelle's gaze flew to his and he winked. She blushed. Alex was a horrible flirt, just like Roke. This wasn’t going to go over well. Roke already seemed possessive of her and she…liked him. How about that. She liked a vampire.

  Roke growled as Alex continued. “Around lunch, I want to show you the ship. You need to learn your way around. We go through protocols if we meet raiders. Where to go, where to hide, your job in case of boarding, etcetera. You don't mind right, Roke? Me making sure she is prepared for everything else.”

  “No.” Roke sighed and his shoulder’s relaxed. “It is a good idea, Alex. Sorry.”

  Alex inclined his head slightly, eying him some more. “You don't quite seem your usual suave-self, Roke.”

  “That's because I’m not my usual self.” They both turned to look at her and Isabelle felt uncomfortable.

  Alex left her in Roke's care. He turned to regard her.

  As his gaze tracked up her body, she fought a shiver. It was crazy how easy he could get under her skin. She straightened, flipped her hair behind her back. His eyes heated, his head tipped. “What would you do, Isa, if you met me, knew I wanted to hurt you? I’m a vampire. How do you defend yourself? Think about what your best defensive tools are and your weaknesses.”

  “Okay.” She raised a brow. “Well, you’re a vampire. You won’t want to kill me, I am after all a valuable food source. You need to get close to hurt me. I have to keep you at a distance or distract you as you get close.”

  He nodded. “Yes. We’re close fighters, we want to feed, and fuck, and fight all at the same time. You can rest assured most would not shoot you.” He added in a droll tone. “What else? Tell me what you know of my kind.”

  “The virus makes you stronger, faster. But you bleed just like anything else. My mom, after everyone died, she used to say that. ‘Remember, if your caught, they bleed just like anything else.’ If I was caught, get a shotgun. All the pellets would do damage. Rake, claw, and cut.

  “Most vampires, when made, have a surge of adrenaline. They feel invincible, high, amazing, even though that is their weakest time. They have no skills, no way to defend themselves. None of that woo-woo bullshit. There are no powers that automatically come with being a vampire.” She made a wiggly motion with her fingers and strolled around him like a prize calf. “Their blood lust and sexual heat drives them to take risks they shouldn't. In a fight, I have an advantage. I’m attractive. I can use that. Distract them. Bat my eyes, make them think of fucking, not fighting. Get them close. My mother always had me carry knives. I always have this one on me.”

  She pulled a small blade from her boot.

  Laughter rolled out of him, deep and husky. “Oh, Isa. I love that. I love surprises. You had this the whole time.”

  She nod
ded. “Only since the house. I grabbed it then and you gave me a blade for that fight anyway.’

  “Excellent. While I’m offended you felt you might need to use this on me, I appreciate your caution.”

  Smiling, Isabelle slid her knife across her abdomen, watching Roke follow the blade. Her shirt lifted just a bit, flashing some skin. He inhaled and leaned toward her. Sensing his distraction, she twirled and kicked him behind the knee forcing him to stumble then bolted toward the door.

  His body slammed into hers before she made it. Her body heaved in his arms and he pressed her into the wood. Breath drifted against her ear. “Good, but not quite good enough, Isa. Make sure I’m down before you run, otherwise, all kinds of instincts kick in.” With that, he pressed into her backside, letting her know the direction of his thoughts.

  Isa huffed and found herself actively resisting the urge to rub against him. Not good enough, eh? She would show him.

  “No comment? Chicken.” His hand tightened on her waist before letting go.

  Looking over her shoulder, Isa remained by the door.

  Roke gestured to the back to the open space. “Come on. I won’t bite.”

  She inhaled quickly at the last word. Eyes widening as she looked at him and let him see she wanted him. Roke froze, nostrils flaring. “Now you’re just playing with me.”

  Her back facing the door now, she kept hand behind her back, touching the doorknob. His cargo pants dipped low at his waist, the gray tee clung to his chest, his six-pack clearly outlined. A breath rattled through him and his abs fluttered. The edge of his shirt shifted up, and she saw the trail of hair leading into his waistband. His pants tented. Her eyes traced the view.

  He tensed. “Stop it. Stop teasing me. You won’t like what happens.”

  Silly man, of course, she wouldn't stop. She didn’t want to. Her gaze kept tracing. His boots, shit kickers. Made to fight. Quickly trailing up, she saw his nipples tighten. A pulse beat quickly at his neck. His gaze dropped and when he looked up, vulnerability shown from his eyes.

  Jaw tensing, he strode toward her at the door. Slowly, deliberately, he pressed his entire length against her. Towering over her by at least a foot, he looked down at her. Isa's chin on his chest. His head drifted lower. “Isa?”

  Hand lashing out, she shoved him hard. He had just enough forethought to protect his nuggets and turn so his thigh took the impact of her knee, but he was off balance enough to fall. On his back, he flailed and she was out the door. In the hall, she stopped and turned triumphant.

  The door crashed open a moment later. “What the hell was that?”

  “You implied I couldn't distract you enough. See, I could.”

  “Well, now you have a horny, pissed off vampire after you. What are you going to do now, huh? Huh?” Again, she found herself pressed to the wall. His furious eyes gleaming down at her. She couldn’t help herself, she pushed up, her left leg going around his waist, arms up over his shoulders. Her lips clung to his a second. He tasted like metal and whiskey.

  He inhaled sharply and she leaned back. He blinked, then slammed her into the wall, pinning her with his hips, his mouth devouring hers. His hands shook as he slipped them under her shirt causing her to shiver in response. She tightened her arms and clung to him like he was her lifeline, lips returning his kiss. His mouth opened wider on hers, their breath mingled. His fangs had dropped, and she felt the edges of them as she kissed him. It should have scared her, but it didn't. His hands gripped her ass and ground him against her as his lips trailed down her neck.

  The boat shuddered, and they were thrown down the hall. Shouts echoed down the corridor. Shots rang out.

  Roke blinked. “Fuck.”

  “This seems like the wrong time.”

  He snorted out a laugh.

  Chapter Ten

  “What do we do?”

  Roke hesitated. “I need to find out what is happening. You hide here. Don't let anyone find you, kill anything that touches you. I will be right back. If need be, we’ll fight.”

  She nodded. “Okay. Sorry about the nuts earlier.”

  He grinned, a quick slash of white. “You are totally going to make it up to them later. Just saying.” He raced down the hall out of sight.

  She touched her lips as she trotted back toward her room. The boat rocked again. She still didn't know her way around. Probably should have insisted on the tour before playing with Roke.

  The boat bounced around more and threw her against the wall. She darted inside her room as the cannons fired. She scanned the room. There really wasn't anyplace for her to hide. She scooted under the bed moving behind the boxes. If they had a vampire with them, she’d be screwed. Her lips still stung from Roke's kiss. She wasn’t bleeding, but she needed to get control of her breathing. She wheezed like a thirty-year smoker in her fear. Get a grip, girl. She made herself inhale. In and out. She could do this.

  She tensed when she heard footsteps running down the hall. The door to her cabin slammed open and banged against the wall. Feet approached the closet and threw it open. Those feet rapidly approached the bed. Scuffed high tops caked-in mud filled her vision. Hair fell into view as a raider with sadly deficient oral hygiene smiled at her. “Look at the pretty girl under the bed. Pretty girl will fetch a nice price.” His hand groped toward her.

  Isabelle palmed the knife at her waist and slashed at his approaching hand. The blade slid across his flesh smoothly, skin retracting, red blood dripped out. With a curse, the raider backed up. She scooted forward, knife ready when the bed was ripped from the wall and flew to the other side of the room. A vampire stood at the door.

  The high-topped one glared at her and wrapped gauze around the cut on his hand. “Grab the bitch and let’s go. She's the one we were sent for.”

  What was up with all the people after her? Where was Roke? She waved her knife in front of her. “Who are you and what do you want with me?”

  The vampire grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged her head back. Her neck stung from the angle he forced her in.

  She stood on tiptoe and beat at his hands. The high-top guy approached and removed the knife from her hand. She hadn’t wanted to use it on the vampire’s hands since it was caught up in her hair and on her head. Didn’t want to stab herself.

  “Oh, we got plans for you Isabelle Mendes.” He waved her own knife in front of her face. “Be good and you might survive it.” With a laugh, he turned and trotted out the door. The vampire who lifted her by the hair, shoved her after him.

  Chaos reigned outside. Raiders ran through the halls. Their general filthiness made them easy to recognize versus Alex's crew. Few people had guns. Most carried swords and an odd mace. Where in the hell did someone find a mace in this day and age?

  The vampire pulled her toward the deck she hadn't gotten to explore earlier. Alex grappled with a tall black man in dreads and a natty leather vest. Roke handled at least three others on the other side of the deck. Too far. They would never reach her in time. The booted man put his fingers to his lips and let out an ear-splitting whistle. The men drifted back toward him. One of the side panels on the barge had been blown off and a grappling hook dug into the gunwale. The vampire dangled her over the side, trying to hand her off to someone below.

  Fingers brushed her ankles. She couldn’t let them take her. She kicked off the side of the boat and tumbled into the river. She heard Roke cry out her name as the water covered her head.

  A hand reached through the water after her and she slapped it away while the river carried her downstream. One would think, living near three rivers, Isa could swim, and she could. Just not well. Float, that she could do. Toeing her shoes off, she stretched onto her back and let the current carry her. Something splashed. A vamp eyeballed her as he swam after her.

  Something slid against her leg and she froze. What the hell.

  She remained still as a log, hoping she wouldn’t become food. A fin slipped between her and the vamp who stopped to tread water. The fin submerge
d. He smiled and resumed his swim until he gasped and disappeared. Seconds, minutes maybe, his body arced up out of the water into the air. He looked straight at her, eyes wide. Something big, gator maybe, held his body in its mouth. In the Ohio River? Blood slid from the corner of his mouth, his hands desperately trying to pry the jaws open when they both submerged again.

  Isa watched the water. Nothing floated up. No blood. Nearby, she saw what resembled logs moving in a cluster to the side of her near the banks. Her heart raced. Jesus. The gator creature’s eyes blinked at her lazily. Isabelle closed her own eyes and continued to float, arms moving only slightly. Please god, don't let me die to these things. She'd envisioned dying lots of times before. Most of them weren’t even with dread. After years of what felt like captivity, she would have welcomed the release. Her end always involved vampires, blood, death, illness. Never once had she contemplated river monsters. How silly of her.

  The current kept dragging her farther away from the boat. She still heard raiders screaming and the crew fighting. Smoke rose from somewhere on board and a single shot pinged off metal. A few splashes sounded. Shouts. A choked off scream.

  Isa swallowed. A gator got another one.

  Please. Please.

  With a glance at the boat, she considered rolling over and swimming back, but again, she sucked at swimming and the gators still lurked nearby. Movement seemed to draw them. Resolved, she let the current carry her, body floating on the waves.

  Thankfully it was August and the water warm. Her clothes slowed her down. Every minute or so, she checked her progress; the boat appeared farther and farther away, shore closer, she angled toward shore. No more splashing or shouting reached her ears. With only a few more meters to land, she noted movement on the bank. Men ran along the shore behind her. One pointed at her.

  Arms flailing, she pushed faster in the water. Her hand slid along sand. She rolled onto her side and crawled onto the sandbar. It was a clear shot through shallow water to land. She bolted for freedom. Wet canvas slapped against her ankles. Her feet squelched in the mud and sand. Her heart raced.