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- Colleen S. Myers
Burning Bright Page 5
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Page 5
It kinda felt nice to have a cop in his corner for once. HE turned back to Mallory who glared at him. She was kind of cute when she was mad. All he wanted to do was take her in his arms but that was definitely NOT happening anytime soon if her face was any indication.
He opened the door and she crouched as she came outside. He sat down next to her on the ground, his legs in front of him.
Mallory sat sideways and crossed her arms, giving him her back.
“I’m sorry.”
“You should be.”
“This shouldn’t have happened.”
“No, it shouldn’t.”
This sort of felt like playing tennis against a sheet. His stomach sank and he rubbed his hand on his face. Tears burned at his eyes but he’d be damned if he let them fall.
Mallory put a hand on his.
He clenched his jaw but turned his hand to squeeze hers.
The most adorable man showed up. He reminded Mallory of Colombo with his rumpled shirt and ridiculous tie depicting baby hippos. His hair was shaggy and his eyes sharp.
Flick knew him if the relief on his face was anything to go by. As soon as the guy showed up, Flick dragged her up. “There he is.”
He raised his hand and motioned the guy over. “Bentley.”
The man nodded his head. “Flick. How are you?” His eyes scanned her and Flick.
Flick rocked back. “We’re good man. Just startled. Did they find anything?”
“No. Nothing. Come with me. We are going to get you out of here.”
Flick went to follow him readily enough but I didn't know him.
Flick tugged at her hand. “Come on.”
She felt her fingers curl around his and then nearly cursed herself.
Flick smiled and pulled her into his side. His closeness helped me take that first step away from the cops and the car. Her stomach clenched as she braced for a shot that didn’t come.
Flicks arm went around her shoulder and she nestled under his arm. His breath in her ear. “It will be okay.”
The words grounded her. Damn she hated showing weakness. She pushed her hand behind her back. “Lets go.”
Bentley drove them to the police station.
The cop shop smelled of coffee. They were taken to a fairly small office with barely enough room for two chairs and the desk that dominated it. She slid onto her seat and flick Sat next to her while Bentley went around the desk. “Did you two want a drink, coffee? We have some vending machines.”
“Coffee. Please.” “I need caffeine.”
“Same,” flick said.
He put his hand on the back of her chair and she felt herself leaning against his arm. As soon as she realized though. She had to push forward. None of that now Mallory my girl. Her father’s words drifted through her mind.
Oh my god. He must be flipping out.
She grabbed her purse then remembered she threw her phone at Flick and it broke earlier. Shit.
She poked Flick. “Give me your phone.”
He raised an eyebrow but handed her his cell easily enough.
Her father had had the same number for years routed through his work. Since they'd moved so much when she was young, this made it so she only had to remember one number throughout her life.
She typed in the number and waited for her dad to pick up. “Mallory?” his voice soothed her nerves and she found her fingers relaxing on the phone. She hadn’t even realized she’d clenched them.
“Dad?” Her voice quavered a bit and she felt tears burn in her eyes.
“Mallory.” His voice lowered. “ What happened. What is going on. Where are you?” he barked out the questions in a quick staccato.
“I’m at the Moon police station.” Tears filled her eyes. “There was_.”
“Be right there.”
“Wait.” But he was gone. The phone clicked in her ear.
She took flicks hands. “My dad’s is coming.”
“Okay. He replied.
“Just be nice.”
She fidgeted worrying about how her dad was going to react. He’d gotten her out of all that Zack problem last year but he wasn’t the most trusting of fellows. She found herself nibbling on the corner of her nail as she worried about how badly this could go.
Flick stared at Mallory hard as she worked at her nails. He did pretty well with meeting parents but him and Mallory were not dating and this was not a typical situation. He hated that they were even in this situation to begin with. This bitch had brought on a ton of grief for hi family and he really needed to stop it now.
He dialed his own parents who took the news well. Maybe too well. His parents along with Sara, Mina and Brae were the first to arrive, loud and proud and protective.
Bentleys head thudded onto the desk;
Flicks dad burst into the room. “What the hell is going on.” Mr’s C tried to crawl in after him and then Sara and Mina and Finally Brae who was so tall he loomed in the doorway.
Now he knew how a sardine felt.
Sara’s voice was raised. “Let me at that bitch.”
Brae covered Mena’s ears and nodded at Flick.
Mrs. C cried and grabbed his cheeks, squeezing them like a baby. “My boy, are you okay.” Her hands skimmed down his waist until he nearly vaulted across the desk to join Bentley who had his forehead firmly on the desk surface.
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” he yelled over their combined voices.
A laugh slipped out of Mallory at just that moment and pretty much everyone turned to stare at her.
She froze and covered her mouth but another giggle slipped out from behind her fingers until peels after peels of laughter burst from her mouth.
Flick exchanged a look with Sara.
Sara put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”
Mallory’s giggle started to trail off. “I am so sorry. I am not laughing at the situation. IT was Flicks face.”
Now everyone turned to look at him.
He felt his cheeks heat up. “What?”
Sara grinned. “You’re blushing!”
“Anyway. Family meet Mallory. Mallory meet my family. This is Sara. Mina, Brae. My mother and father.”
“Hi!” Mallory said with a smile in her voice.
Bentley finally lifted his head and had his cheek on his hands. “Now that the introductions are out of the way. Can we finally talk about what happened?”
His mother sat down and Mr. C wedged in behind her while Sara’s family stood at the door.
There was another commotion at the door. Brae lurched forward and another man, this one nattily dressed in a suit and tie along with a walking cane pressed in the door. “Mallory! Where is my daughter.”
Mallory stood up from her chair and turned to hug her dad.
Bentley sighed and this time his head went backward, not forward.
Mallory’s dad tried to force himself further into the room and put his cane forward like a sword. “What the hell is going on. What are you doing to keep my daughter safe. What is going on here!” each sentence deeper and loud.
Bentley stood up and grabbed the tip of the cane yanking it out of Mallory’s dads grip. “Stop all of you. We are going to talk about what happened now.”
Another commotion at the door and Mallory’s dad fell into Mallory's empty chair. Next to his daughter.
Joonie and Christine stood at the door.
“Bartlebee what is going on here”
He threw up his hands and sat down looking at Flick. “I can’t win.”
Flick had to laugh. “Maybe we should go to another room.”
“Ya think?” He glanced over at Christine. “We need more chairs.”
Mallory moved forward. “And more coffee.” She indicated her empty styrofoam cup.
Now that we were in a room bigger than a postage stamp, the families spread out. At the main table was Bentley and Myself
with Mallory right next to me. Her dad had his hands on her shoulder.
Sara, Mina and Brae stood in my corner while my parents stood behind me.
Joonie loomed over Bentley with Christine holding the back of the chair next to him.
Bentley cleared his throat. “Now that we are all here, Lets review the situation.”
“Darn tooting.” Joonie said.
“It appears-”
He got no further before John and Vicki burst in the room with John’s mom Juanita behind him.
“Seriously!” Bentley exclaimed. “What part of safe house did you not get? Why are you out of custody.”
Vicki smoothed her shirt. “The officers are right behind us. We simply wanted to see how our friends are doing.”
She turned to Mallory “I am so sorry you got dragged into this with us.”
Mallory found Vicki grabbed her hands and pressed them to her bosom with tears in her eyes. The whole room almost waited for her response. “It’s okay. You couldn’t help it.”
“But Its all my fault. This girl was after me first, then Brae and now you. It’s not fair. Why can’t we catch her.” She stood forward and pointed at Bentley. “This is bull caca. We need to catch this woman.”
The man with her grinned and pulled her backward into his side. “Calm down babe. Let the man talk.”
Mallory leaned over to him. ‘Who are they?”
“That is my friend John and Vicki.”
“Oh, that is who the crazy bitch went after first. Right?”
“Okay caught up.”
“Any other questions.”
“Nope. Think I got it.”
Her dad leaned forward. “I don't get it. What did you involve my baby in. Randolph.” His eyebrow's were down and his face was not friendly.
Malory smacked the hand he had put on the table to lean over her. “Daddy it is not his fault. IT is no ones fault. We just need to figure out what we need to do. So stand down.”
He bumped his forehead with hers and then back up. “Ok”
Bentley tapped his glass. “I thin we finally have everyone we need to talk. IS everyone ready?”
Universal nod.
Belinda Devlin. This woman Is the current focus of our investigation. We believe she is behind all the attacks on Vicki, including the shoot. WE believe her and her father then both were involved in the action against Brae for retaliation of David dying while they were after Vicki. Now we believe she is seeking to punish Flick here who distracted her so that the police could get information on her. So now if she can’t be happy. No one can.
The girl is clearly crazy. Demented and out of touch with reality but she does have resources. Her father is one of the biggest crimes bosses of this city. AS his only child. There is a certain amount of loyalties and resources she can tap fr a bit. But to be honest with all the power here. With Joonie and her resources. Some of the military resources we are calling in ad with now. The resources of the baker family. I think this should be easily settle.
“The most important thing for now if that we need to get all the target safe and hidden. That means all of you. Sara/Brear, Mina, john. Vicki and Mallory. You all need to be secluded. I have a safe house. IT is actually one of Joonie's she has been setting up.
SO we are all going to go camp out together separate from everyone?
Yes, Sara said pumping her hands. It will be like camp
With Mallory being the odd man out in the group. Her heart sunk. This was going to suck.
IT should only be for a few days.
“She made a number of moves so we feel it is highly likely that we will hunter her down pretty quickly. In fact, we think she herself set the bomb that took out cynthia so we may have her finally for all that she did.”
“So wait. Are we really doing this?” Flick asked.
Mallory felt the same way. This was going way to quick. They were being boxed up and shipped out to a safe house with John and Vicki for however long it would take without a as you please.
“No.” She stood up. “No!”
Her dad gripped her shoulder. “Darling, his is all for the best. You remember everything from last year.”
“I refuse to be cowed by some blond bitch.” She looked over at Vicki. “Not you>”
Vicki grinned and waved. “Got it.”
“I refuse to hide.”
Flick snorted. “Nice speech and we are not hiding. We are creating a smaller target so it is easier to catch her.”
Her dad attempted to pleaded. “Mallory.”
Flick stood up and got in her face. “Yes.”
“No.”This was kind of hot.she had to look away right into the knowing eyes of his friend Sara. Great. She pulled down the edge of her blazer. “No.”
Yet somehow an hour later she found herself walking into the safe house. Which was really a freaking mansion in the middle of a wide field with at least three armed guards outside. Talk about overkill. She could imagine a cappo ruling over his drug kingdom from this place. Wearing a linen suit, Standing at the top of the scrolling entryway that led into dark hardwood floors and an open concept living room, dining room and kitchen with a stairway up to what she presumed were bedrooms. HOpefully he did not have any little friends...
It felt open with the windows but they had metal shudders in place that actaully went with the gleaming floors and marble counters.
John walked into the kitchen while Vicki took her hand yet again and led her up the stairs. The girl was a hugger, she coudl tell.
“What bedroom do you want?” she asked. She pointed to the left. “That’s my and Johns room. These two rooms are open, unless...”
Mallory blushed. “I need my own room.” She picked the first one. “This will do thanks.”
She pulled her bag into the room ad sat on the bed.
Vicki lingered at the door. “I really am sorry about all of this.” Her voice was soft. She looked like a perfect Southern belle, even sounded like one but if she was anything like her grandmother, there was steal underneath.
“I know, it’s not anyones fault. In fact, I had my own unavoidable, not my fault situation a year ago, so I know how you feel. It sucks.”
Vicki frowned and moved into the room to sit next to her. “What happened?”
NOrmally she was not one to talk but these were her new roomates after all. “I had a stalker.
Vicki sucke din a breath just like Flick had. She placed a hand over mine. “Did he hurt you?”
“No. He tried to rape me one night in my apartment and my dad got me out of the situation, but not everyone has the resources or ability to move like I did. I spent the first year on edge of my seat and on the edge of tears. I felt so bad to inconvenience anyone but I needed help. My dad is my rock. Still it was hard.”
Vicki squeezed my hand. “Now you have us. Trust me anyone tries that now, we circle the wagons. My Grandma has a lot of wagons.”
“Your family seems nice.”
“As dose yours.” Vicki smiled. “You will like this group. I think you fit in well. The way you stand up to flick and he seems more himself when he is around you. More confident and happy. It is good.
She should’t ask but she did “He is differnt around me?”
“Oh yes, normally he is the class clown for laughs and fun. Good for distraction. He doesnt take the lead very often, only when it is important and YOu are definitely important to him. He’d only dated once or twice before from what I heard. He has the swagger of a player but it is all that. Just swagger, no truth behind it.”
“I feel odd being the only non member of the group.”
Vicki nodded. Thtwas me a few months ago when John was protecting me. I know how it feels but this group? They are a family. They could be yur family if you let them. They will all want to know you.”
“Beacuase of how flick is when he is aroundyou. Focused concerned distracted. He’s so focused on you, he doesnt feel he has to be the clown. It is good. I think you are good for him.”
“W didnt even have one date.”
“Whether you called it a date or note, it was the start to somethign wasn’t it?”
Mallory kept hr head down. “I guess.”
“Anyway, enough with the heavy talk. The boys are cooking. So get unpakced and meet downstairs in 15 or so.
She culd use those minutes to settr her thoughts. This situation sucked. She’d been pulled in against her will but it realy wasnt anyones fault but the bitch Bitty.
No use being pissed and bithy abut it. This gaver her more time to get to know Flick. _not sure if that was a good thing= and the rest of his family. + that probably was a good thing.
She packed her clothese away and put up the pictur of her father and her on the night stand, along with the book her mother wrote her on her death bed. She read it at least weekly. MOrbid but necessary. All of her mothers hopes and fears for her. Including that she wuld cut herself off from love andopprotunity out of fear.
Flick knocked on the doorway. “Hey Mally, Dinner will be ready soon.”
“Mally?” she raised an eye brow.
“I can’t call you Mal. I am a fan of Firefly, and Mallory seems too formal. So Mally, Or Rory? Give me an acceptable nickname.”
“I hate all of those names.”
“How about kitten, the way your’ putting out your claws.”
“Don’t call me kitten.”
Flick had already removed himsef from the doorway and was downat teh kitchen.
As soon a he saw me. “Hey kitten.”
“No kitten.”
“I’m afraid the name has stuck. Sorry. Just like I am flick. Get used to it. It’s easier.”
Sara walked up with her daughter at her side. “Whats easier.”
“Nickames when they stick, just go with them. For exam, Kitten.” He pointed to mallory who frowne.
Sara grinned. Seriously perfect. I culd practivally see her flexing her claws.”
Mallory relentd. “And your Flick. What are you sara?”
“When they use pet names. The red bitch, or just bitch, of bave if I a good to Brae.”