Burning Bright Page 4
Her body went numb but a denial slipped out automatically. “IT was not a date.”
“I know that, but she wont and I saw her at the restaurant last night. She could be coming after you next and I want to protect you.”
Flick and Mallory sat in silence. The longer it went on the angrier she got. HOw does this shit keep happening to her! “I refuse to let your ex-”
“She is not my ex.” He protested. “We went out once when I was trying to get information out of her for my friends.”
“Whatever. This crazy chick. Change my life. I let that happen once and I will be DAMNED if I will do It again.”
“Just be reasonable here. That is all. Just check in now and then so I know you are all right. IF anythign happens let the police know.”
‘That is not all. Ha that is is disruptive and letting another person control my life. I refuse to do that.
Flick stared at her in dismay and watched her walk away. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go to work. Is that okay with you?”
“It’s Saturday. You know the weekend?”
She growled and kept walking. When she reached the front door she opened it. “Out.”
“Out now.”
He relented at the tone in her voice. But he knew this wasn’t safe. So, time to call int eh big guns.
HE went through the numbers on the phone until he found the right one. His hands actually sweat as he pressed the button to call.
“Betty June Steiner here.”
A pause. “Randolph? Flick. Hello you sexy beast. What can I do for you today.”
“Can we talk?”
“I am too old for you, youngun’ I wish.”
HE grinned. “Not that. Though. I think you could keep up.
He heard her laughter in response. “I have a situation.”
He practically heard her come to attention. “Do tell.”
“Remember Bitty?”
“How could I forget. I have been looking for information on that young lady/ She threatened my butter bean.”
“I think she is after me.” He swallowed.
“That bitch.”
He snort laughed. Damn he loved Joonie. Straight talker. “I need help.”
“Of course. Where can we meet.”
Just like that. Of course. His eyes closed. He really was a lucky guy with his family. “Don't tell Sara and Brae.
This time her response was a bit wry. “That might be a bit difficult. Brae is here in the room with me right now and John is nearby. I think your situation is blown young’un.”
Flick heard a struggle. “Give me.” Then Brae’s voice came on. “What is this about Bitty? She’s after you? When did you see her. What did she do? Come here. We will all take care of each other.”
“I think I saw her following me while I was on a date. I did go out with her that one time.” That one really weird creepy date that still made his nuts crawl into his abdomen.
“Bentley agrees. She is on the surveillance footage and he wants to give my date protection but she won’t take it. I figured I would see if Joonie could hire some guards.
“You got it.” He heard Joonie call out and more sounds of struggle.
Joonie growled. “Stop holding it out of my reach. I mean It, I will hit you in your crotch.”
Brae’s voice again. “Come to my house. We will have a family meeting. WE can talk some sense into your girl. Instead of protection. Just suggest she meet the family and get an idea of what is going on.”
Joonie’s voice in the back ground. “I will get protection for her too, she will leave here informed and guarded.”
Hearing them bicker and plan really did make me less nervous. He needed to let his parents know too. His stomach sank. What if she went after them?
His fingers shook at he dialed in their number.
As soon as his mom picked up he relaxed. “Mom. You okay?”
“Randolph! Is that you. You sound tired baby. Why don't you come round for a meal?”
“Well we are all meeting at Braes’ tonight for a cook out. Think you an attend?”
“Bruce? Think we can do a cookout at Braes?”
“Yeah,” that should be fine! What time?
:Say six. And um make sure to watch out for strangers, especially girls
“Why is that? He could hear her eyes sharpening.
“No reason.”
“Just avoid blond chicks like the one we thought was after Sara.”
A swift indrawn breath. “That bitch is after you now isn’t she? I told you that date was a stupid idea.”
“Yeah yea. Always the screw up.”
“Just meet us there okay mom?” He hesitated. “I love you guys.”
“OH MY GOD>” Your dying.”
“Mom. Be serious.”
“I am serious, you’re the one who is never serous. That was serious thus this is serious. I know. Where are you now? Mommy’s coming.”
He rolled his eye at the mental image of his mother with her perfect curls and school marm outfits with their sensible shoe coming here armed with a ladle to fight off his enemies.
IT was actually pretty funny.
His dad got on the line. “Seriously son, you all right?”
“Yeah dad. I'm good. Love you guys. See you tonight.”
Before any further questions. He hung up and held the phone to his chin with a smile.
NOW that they had a meeting place, he had to get Mallory there without a fight. He grinned. That might prove to be the fun part.
Mallory found herself jumping at every noise today. Someone entered her office without knocking and she damn near pelted them with a stapler. Another person entered the bathroom ad she picked up her feet and hid. This was ridiculous.
She was better than this. All this talk about Flick’s ex targeting her and she was back in her past. Quaking. She refused to be that girl again. She adjusted her makeup ad put on a set face. Forget this.
She walked out into the hallway and Flick was right outside.
“What are you doing here? Not the most gracious of greetings but she’d had a rough day.
“Just hanging out.” He ran a hand down the wall. “So had a rough day?”
“I was talking to The wall.”
She snorted. “Whatever.”
He followed her when she turned back to her office. “I know what you want and I refuse.
Flick smiled. “I didn't think so, so I am bringing out the big guns. I want you to meet my family.”
“After one date? Isn’t that a little soon?”
“I thought it wasn’t a date.”
“My family can help you understand the risk and help protect you.”
“I still don’t understand why this girl would go after me?
He bolted in front of her and rocked back on his feet. “Hear me out. I am not the player I appear. I’ve dated like 5 people in my entire life and only one seriously. That girl I mentioned to bitty and she died yesterday.”
She drew in a quick breath.
He continued. “I like you. I like you a lot. More than pretty much anyone. Anyone who knows me will know that I like you and this bitty will know. I would feel better if we at least discussed the risks.”
She frowned and kept her mouth shut. “Let me think about this.”
From the set of her shoulders, Flick figured that was a no. He pouted his lips. “Please?”
She rolled her eyes and walked away, pushing up her glasses.
Man that was hot.
Flick wandered back to his own office. Once he got there, he realized he should have figured that Sara and Brae would not wait till tonight. Instaed they stood outside his lab with Joonie in tow ready to pounce.
He threw up his hands. “I told
you guys. This is not an emergency.”
Sara wearing her typical frown crossed her arms. “Bullshit. Tell me why you think this bitch is after you.”
He cut his eyes to Brae with his many tattoes ad bright blue eyes who shrugged and leaned against the wall in support of his woman.
Meanwhile, Joonie who appeared just as interested as Sara tottered maybe a bit sloshed as she swayed a bit on her heels, Which he had to give her props for high heals at eighty. “You let us take care of you know, youngun.”
“YOu said you talked to BEntley.” Sara said after she moved up to subtly support Joonie.
“Yes, I was out last night and say Bitty. It freaked me out...”
“Why.” Brae asked bluntly and crossed his arms.
“I’ve been getting wierd gifts and calls since I went on that date with Bitty.
“I told you that date was a bad idea.” Sara growled.
Flick rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes. I’m stupid.”
Joonie put a hand on his shoulder.
“Anyways. When I saw her, I figured I wasn’t going to blow it off. Not with all that has happened. That leads us to today.”
“What about this date of yours?” sara asked. “One, how come I did not know about this girl? And two why do you think Bitty is after her?”
Before he could answer Mallory walked into his lab.
She’d gotten no work done since their talk. Dang it. And she had more questions. She froze when she saw the crew waiting for her. There was a short redhead in skin tight jeans and a ponytail, a tall tattoed guy with his arms crossed and an older lady with a giggly smile that pulled her in. This had to be his family. Dang it again. Her glasses slid to the bottom of her nose. “I can come back another time.”
She attempted to back slowly toward the door but before she could escape, Joonie pounced.
She moved behind her in the doorway and draped herself across it. “Hold it right there.”
Sara took up and equally ridiculous pose in front of her fists clenched at her sides. They were all being ridiculous.
Flick stepped forward. “Mallory. Meet my friends. Friends. Meet Mallory.”
Brae cracked his knuckle and gave a manly head bob. Sara smiled and Joonie shifted and draped herself the other way against the doorway.
She frowned and pushed her glasses up. “Is this about Belinda Devlin.”
Sara practically spit out. “Bitty.”
Mallory snorted. “Bullshit name for a bullshit person.”
Sara smacked Brae on the shoulder and grinned. “I like her.”
Mallory turned and poked Flick on the chest. “I refuse to let your ex-”
Flicks hands flew out. “SHE IS NOT MY EX>”
Mallory ignored him. “I refuse to let her change my life. I refuse.”
“Then at least let us help you make precautions.”
“I can hire a guard.”
Mallory rolled her eyes. “I am not going to go around with a guard.”
“Then I am staying with you.”
“Are you kidding me?” Mallory said and glared at him. “You can’t do that.”
“Don’t make me play dirty.” Flick said.
“Phtt. You don't have jack on me.”
“I will tell your dad.”
Her indrawn gasp was all the answer he needed and he grinned. Just before she smacked him in the chest. “That is unfair.”
“Dirty pool. Me likey.” Joonie added waving a flask that she always seemed to have hidden in such fun places.
“You better not tell me father,” Mallory growled.
“I will.” He vowed. “I will not see you hurt.” He swallowed. “Not like Cynthia.”
“What happened to Cynthia?” Sara asked standing up straight fisting her hands again.
“Bomb.” Flick said and swallowed. His eyes said it all.
Joonie stood up, giving up all pretense of being drunk and or a femme fatale. “Do they know that Bitty was involved?” her words sharp.
“Bentley is pretty sure. He told me this morning.” He turned to Mallory and took her hands. “That is why I need to keep you safe. This chick is unhinged.”
Brae leaned forward and showed Mallory the scar on his neck. “Trust me. This was from her and her father. It is better to be safe. We have guards.” He smiled at Joonie who winked back.
Mallory blinked at the scar on his neck. That was probably why he was wearing a collared shirt. IT was red and sore. His voice was hoarse.
“What did taht?”
Her stomach dropped. “This is all bullshit. I didnt sign up for this.”
FLick closed his eyes and grabbed her hands. “No you didn’t but it doesnt change teh fact that there is some crazy bitch after me and it is better safe than sorry. Please come to the house, let us protect you.”
He pointed to the old lady who just aminute ago seemed drunk who was now laser focused on her.
She swallowed. “I just can’t. Cant.”
She stumbled backward and ran back to her own lab and her own things. She needed to go home and think. This was so much bullshit how did this keep happening to her. WHy? Why would this crazy wench hunt her down?
Without further ado, she got her purse and bolted for the parking lot, relaxing along the way. Nothign was doing to happen to her, she was sure of it.
Mallory stewed. Why do people think she can’t take care of herself? It was stupid. No way was Flick’s ex coming after her after one date. That would be ridiculous. What kind of nut bag would do that?
Although, it sounded like she was around the bend.
That wasn’t Mallory’s problem and more proximity to flick would be bad for her libido and her sanity. They were all over reacting. Had to be.
Mallory reached into her purse and grabbed her keys, pressing the alarm button. The click-click reassured her and she increased her speed.
The afternoon shadows threw her. All this talk of stalkers was getting to her. Her heart rate picked up at remote footsteps. She founds herself looking back but no one was there. She got to her car and slid in, quickly locking the door.
As soon as she hit th safety of the vehicle, she relaxed and let her shoulders slump. See silly. She was just letting them get to her. There was no risk
She took her purse and put it in the front seat. Her phone dinged so she reached over and the purse spilled out.
She leaned over to grab the contents from the floor and heard a crash. Glass rained down on her and she froze.
What the hell. She remained low while looking up.
The drivers side window was gone and part of the windshield.
She hadn’t heard a shot.
What the hell?
Her mind stuttered. Was this real?
She was afraid to move just in case and then she realized that the shooter could be approaching. She slid down further to grab her phone. Once she got it, she slid down in drives side and peaked out. Another shot hit the car and pinged off the front.
Holy crap.
She stayed low. Her fingers shook as she punched in the numbers to open her phone. Once unlocked, she hesitated. She couldn't call her dad. He would wrap her in bubble wrap and never let her go. Only one person to call, the one who started at this bullshit.
She tapped out the number slowly. This was a bad idea.
Flick answered on the first ring. “’Lo.” His voice sounded distracted. “Hello?”
Hearing him, she froze again, tamping down the thought that she liked his voice. She could practically hear as he got ready to hang up on her when she didn't answer though.
“Mallory?” his voice grew sharp. “What is it?”
“I am in the parking lot. Someone shot at me.”
“On my way.”
But the call was already ended.
She felt her fingers numb and she real
ized how hard she was gripping the plastic.
Breathe. She’d gone to therapy just for this to deal with her anxiety. She could do this. She was a strong capable woman. She was also not stupid and no more peaking for her.
She dialed 9-1-1 next and waited for the dispatcher to pick up. The phone rang and rang. After about a minute she threw it down.
Maybe she should peak> just a little. Maybe it was over.
As she shifted she heard more glass sliding off her self this time and then another shot shattered what was left of the front windshield.
She covered her head and stayed down.
This couldn’t be happening to her.
One date.
One freaking date.
This wasn’t fair. She was going to kill Flick. And this Bitty person. And everyone. Oh. Her fingers clenched even harder going white.
Flick ran harder than he had ever in his life. And he’d been on track, well at least he tried out. His legs pumped. One call to Joonie and he knew reinforcements were on the way. She might be nutty but she was a nutty force to be reckoned with, her bravado all a facade, just like his.
He hit the outer doors and screamed for the guard at the gate to follow him. The formed a trio with Flick taking the lead. “Shooting. Hurry.”
He saw her little Jetta sitting there without a windshield and no body in sight.
His stomach dropped. Oh god. This was his fault. Please let her be all right.
He skidded to a stop at her door.
Mallory threw her phone at him through the window.
“Hey>” he said. Throwing up his arms while trying to stay on his feet as his knees went weak. She was all right. Thank goodness.
As soon as her eyes met his, he winked and then spun. The two guards fanned out with him. One talked into his walkie and he heard the distant thunder of sirens.
He pulled out his own phone and dialed Bentley. Lord knows he didn't want to explain the whole situation to new people.
Bentley answered on the first ring. “Detective Bentley.”
“Someone just took a shot at my date from last night.”
The cop didn’t miss a beat. “On my way.”