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Blood Will Tell Page 4
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Page 4
Their blades crossed and they pushed toward each other. Roke head-butted Padraig who stumbled backward. Roke's weapon flashed again and blood poured from the side of Padraig's left calf. Padraig tripped sideways then righted himself.
“You okay? Want to take a break now, Paddy?”
Metal glinted and sprang from the leader's hand. Roke jerked back just in time. A line of crimson slid down his cheek. A spike. Roke was lucky he was quick.
Fear churned in Isa's gut. Why would Roke risk his life for her? Her fingers shook as she covered her mouth. The cohort’s attention remained fixed on her. That wasn't good.
Roke wiped the back of his hand along his cheek then licked his own blood. “Mmm.”
Padraig cackled again and bounced back. “So much fun, Roke.” His blade swung like a pendulum around him, slicing the air. Fingers flexed, he wiggled them in invitation. “Come on. Let’s play.”
Roke lunged forward in a swift strike to Paddy's middle. Padraig swung left, blocking, and his blade swung back down but Roke was already moving to the right behind Padraig. His speed was incredible. Paddy's feet seemed mired in tar in comparison. His elbow slammed back and bounced on Roke's face. Roke fell backward onto the ground. Padraig followed up with a stab, which just missed Roke who rolled right. Roke jumped up and held his blade straight at the leader again. Blood streamed from the side of Padraig's right calf now, as well.
Padraig's breath wheezed in and out. He jumped two steps forward and their blades danced in the air faster than she could track. Left, right, stab, cut. Roke scored a hit to Padraig's shoulder. Paddy got another hit across Roke's forehead, but he managed to cut Padraig's hand.
Roke grunted and a fresh cut bloomed on his right arm. Deeper this time. Blood flowed thick down his arm to drip off the tips of his finger in a slow crimson wave.
Padraig chortled. “Too much fun.” His movements became more uncoordinated. He weaved left, then shook himself. “Well, is that all you got? Come on, man. Is this a fight or not?”
Roke continued to circle, looking for his chance. His blade streaked forward and Paddy deflected. Roke swung again, and again his blade deflected. His eyes tracked Padraig. He appeared to be waiting for Padraig’s next move which was slow in coming.
Isabelle looked down. There was a lot of blood on the ground. Much more than you would expect from the than the cut along Roke’s cheek, forehead, and his arm. But Padraig...
Padraig weaved, left leg dragging, twitching. Dark blood flowed down his leg in a steady stream. Roke's first cut, he must have hit an artery. She was surprised Padraig lasted this long. Her gaze swung to the cohorts again. Bleeder eyed the blood on the ground and smacked his companion.
Their attention returned to her and they inched closer. Her hand tightened on the dagger. It was doubtful they cared she was armed. She had no training and they were born killers. Having a weapon wasn’t that much of a plus.
Roke’s gaze appeared trained on Padraig but his movements kept his side toward her. Padraig rushed him. Metal sang through the air and again they exchanged a series of effortless swings. Padraig tipped forward. Roke's pommel slammed down on his head. Padraig grabbed onto Roke's knees. A growl slipped from his lips, and he stabbed a spike into the back of Roke's thigh.
Roke screamed and his knee jerked spasmodically. He slammed his hilt onto Padraig's head again and again, breaking his hold.
Padraig fell over. He struggled to get up, his left leg giving out on him. Defeated, he leaned back onto his elbows and crossed his legs with some difficulty. “First cut beat me, eh? Classic move. I’m impressed. I didn't even notice.” His breath whistled in and out as he regarded Roke.
Roke, for his part, backed up to stand protectively in front of Isa. “There doesn't need to be any more violence. Just let us go. We’ll leave. Get out of the city.”
Padraig cackled. “Oh, you know that won’t work. Serafin won't give you up, and she needs the girl. She's going to use her to gain Rosa's compliance. That is the only thing that has kept this city relatively safe and rebel free. Little Isabelle, completely unaware of her importance.”
“What does my mother have to do with this?” Isabelle demanded, hand grabbing onto the back of Roke's pants.
Chapter Six
Padraig regarded her, his last words hanging in the air.
“Everything,” he repeated. This was all about Rosa Mendes. How was her mother still alive? Why was she important? Her mother was an emergency room doctor. That was it. Nothing special. Why did they need her compliance?
“Are you going to keep your word? Winner take all?” Roke asked. He still held his sword tip up, his other hand rested on Isa's side now.
Padraig nodded, laying back to stare at the sky. “I always keep my word...but they didn't give their word.”
As if that was their cue, both cohorts flew at them. Roke shoved her back and slashed at Bleeder’s face. He dodged but Roke slashed down and sliced off his arm near the shoulder. Blood spurted out the trunk in an arc. Bleeder shrieked in pain and fell next to Padraig.
This all seemed so surreal.
Seely hesitated, gaze darting between Padraig and Bleeder, undecided.
“Well,” Roke demanded, “I'm waiting.” He moved forward and swung his arms out wide with a snarl.
Seely broke and ran.
Bleeder recovered from the hit and roared with vengeance. He advanced, his sword aimed at Roke who easily smacked his weapon away. The gesture threw Bleeder off balance and he tipped forward past Roke who drove his blade into his exposed back, pinning him to the ground as he fell.
Isabelle tightened her hand on her dagger. A soft whoosh of air behind her warned her just in time. Instinct had her dropping down. Seely’s sword sliced the air where her head had been a moment prior. She exhaled and let herself fall forward into a roll. When she stood back up, she turned and planted her dagger in his gut. Roke pivoted, blade arching, and planted his dagger right smack dab between Seely’s eyes at the same time. A whiff of menthol surrounded them and the smell of death.
Isa covered her heart with her hand and took a deep breath.
Padraig threw his head back in laughter. “Can't find good help these days.” His eyes dimmed and he laid back onto the ground.
Isa’s breath shuddered out in a wheeze. Blood dripped down the dagger’s blade onto her hand.
Roke looked at the dagger then at her. He slowly eased the knife from her grip. His head tipped to the side and his eyes held pride and concern.
The fingers of his left hand rose and touched her cheek. “You okay?”
She gave a shaky nod and smiled at him, letting her head lean into his hand briefly. “I think I’m in shock.”
“We need to get to the boat, you can rest there.” Roke sheathed his weapons and grabbed her hand again, towing her to the bike. He started the engine and tossed her the helmet.
She slipped onto the bike behind him grabbing tight even before they started moving. One of his hands covered hers. He pulled out into the side streets, taking them to god knows where. She closed her eyes and held on, trusting him after what they just went through.
Fifteen minutes passed. The bike coughed and drifted to a halt. She opened her eyes. They were back where they started, close to the docks. She could tell from the smell.
Roke guided the bike into the tree line next to a nearby building. He jumped off and held out a hand. “Come on.”
She took his fingers. “Where are we going?”
“We need to hide.”
“The docks were full of guards when we left.”
“Yeah, they should be gone now, and they won't think to look for us there.”
He continued to pull her behind him like a little red wagon, and they ducked inside a nearby warehouse. “Your apartment, Jack and Mara's body. That was a set up. For you.”
“Why? I'm nobody. Why would anyone want to set me up?”
He shoved her b
ack from the door and took up a position near the window looking out at the docks. “You are not no one. You are Rosa Mendes's daughter. While they haven't taken advantage of that for political reasons, they definitely know who you are.”
“Just who exactly is my mother then, that the vampires are afraid of her?”
Roke's gaze dropped to the ground. “We’ll talk about that later once we’re safe. Come on, the coast is clear.”
“I still can't believe my mother is alive.” Why hadn’t she come for her?
“Believe it.”
Roke led Isa through deserted alleys back to the Point. Isa shook off déjà-vu when they passed the fountain in a rush. He took her to the left, the darkest area of the docks. Boats of different shapes and sizes lined the area with the end of the dock housing a heavily armored barge.
The barge was over one hundred feet long and outfitted with steel plates and guns to repel raiders. Reinforced metal circled the boat with only one area for egress, the gangplank, where all supplies were taken in and out. Portholes ran along the side of the boat as crewmen scrubbed barnacles and rust off the side and others scrambled to load their pallets. One of the sailors scurried off to get the captain when he saw them walking toward the boat. Her gazed drifted to the netting on the decks. Six lifeboats hugged the sides, lines of rope piled in the corner and stacks of supplies covered the space.
The pier rocked slightly and she weaved to the side. Roke gripped her arm, steadying her as the captain sauntered toward them.
The captain was a lot younger than she expected. He had short chestnut hair and a seriously wicked smile. Just something about that grin said he would be a fun companion, if not more. A stubble darkened his jaw and a scar cut across his chin. He had aviator glasses on, so she couldn't see his eyes, but she felt the track of his gaze as he looked her over.
“What have we here, Roke?” the captain said in a commanding voice, clearly expecting an answer.
The captain’s grin faded. He straightened and removed his glasses. Warm honey brown eyes looked her over again, a little less of a physical assessment. “Isabelle. I have heard so much about you.”
She gritted her teeth. “Well, that is just lovely. I've heard nothing about you. What's going on here, Roke?” With a twist of her body, Roke's hand fell off her arm, and she pivoted to face him.
“I will explain it on the way,” he told her then addressed the captain. “Alex, we need to cast off right now. They're coming for her.”
The captain started barking out orders. People scurried about gathering ropes and supplies. Alex turned back and offered her his hand up over the last step onto the deck. She took it carefully, watching her footing. Roke's hand settled on her ass, shoving. She looked back into his scowling face. What had his panties in a bunch?
Alex tugged her forward, the corner of his mouth twitching. “I will show you to your quarters.”
Roke lithely bound onto the boat behind her. Show off.
Her cabin was smaller than her whole apartment. Hell, it was smaller than her kitchen, but more elegant and compact. A twin bed with seriously plush pillow took up the left corner. An apothecary desk occupied the other corner. Sandy carpets covered the floor and a small eating area with four solid chairs sat near the doorway. A sparkly chandelier hung from the ceiling sending shards of light around the room. A single porthole reinforced with mesh occupied the wall.
She whistled. Her digs were sweet. She sat on the bed and bounced on the mattress, smiling. “This is better than my bed at home.” That invoked an image of Jack's lifeless body. She stopped bouncing, her delight fading.
Roke sat at the table. “Just get me a comfortable chair or a cot or something.”
“What?” Isa and Alex asked in concert. Alex's eyes met hers before sliding to Roke. “What do you mean?”
“I'm staying here with her.”
Her heart fluttered at the determination in his tone.
“What?” Again, with the echo.
“She needs protection. Rosa asked me to take care of her. Watch over her. That's what I'm doing,” Roke stated.
Isabelle's heart resumed its normal beat. He was doing this because her mom asked him to. Not for any other reason. Her chest ached a second and she rubbed at it. That wasn’t disappointment, no sirree.
When she looked up, both men stared at her. “What?”
“You okay?”
She nodded. Jack’s image flashed through her mind. She was alone. As conflicted as her feelings were towards her husband, Jack was hers. What would she do now? She had no home anymore. She had nobody, except… her mother was alive? “You said you would tell me about my mother later. Well this is later, Roke. Spill.”
“I said it was her tale to tell, Isa.” His gaze tracked over her face.
“Roke.” Alex’s gaze darted between them. He contemplated Roke again then looked back at Isa. “Let’s get underway. Then we can all talk later. Why don't you help me with departure? Let Isabelle settle.”
Roke stood up and approached her. “Okay. Call if you need anything.” He drew the back of his fingers down her cheek.
She nodded and smiled.
Alex shot Roke a confused look. “Come on, man.”
They left and Isabelle collapsed on the bed. After a few minutes, she twisted looking for a clock. What time was it? Fatigue weighed her down, but when she closed her eyes, she saw Jack's body.
She remembered when they met, a day after the Madness killed so many. Isa and her mom had been delivered to their new home in the north side. The tenements were nondescript and uninviting. A line of cars stacked up along the road waiting for their turn to pull into the lot. They hadn't been allowed to take anything with them. Later, they would trek back and get some supplies, but for now the vampires escorted them to their new apartment in a safe zone of their making.
A vampire took her mom to the side to talk while a second showed her to her room. That place had been even smaller than her place with Jack. It barely fit a queen bed and some drawers. Nothing else. The bathroom was at the end of the hall, communal toilets and showers. Isa sat on the bed and realized the vampire hadn’t left.
“Little minx,” he said, bending, his voice in her ear. “You look like a good little girl. Want to be my good little girl?”
Isabelle shuddered and turned her head into the wall. He tucked her hair behind her ear. The bed bowed under his weight.
Jack ran into the room. “Hello.” His voice was loud and echoed in the tight space. When she glanced up, his light blue eyes twinkled at her and she knew she was safe. Jack jumped on the bed next to her. “Hey, officer. I saw guards down the hall looking for you. Better get going.” Jack's hip bumped hers and the vampire growled at him, but Jack just blinked innocently.
Reluctantly, the guard stood when he heard someone yelling from down the hall. “See you again, little minx.”
Isa kept her head down until he left.
Jack side-hugged her. “I won't let him get you,” he said. “My name is Jack.”
Her heart was lost from that moment on. She hadn't been popular in school. Too quiet, too studious. Most people didn't pay attention to Isabelle. This guy risked everything for her and he didn't know her name. “Isa. My name is Isa.”
“Hello, Isa.”
“Hello, Jack.”
Chapter Seven
Her memories scattered when the engines came to life. The vibration slammed through the hull and everything shook as the boat slid out of its moorings. When she looked out the porthole, she saw nothing but dirty water flowing past. In the distance, the wall along the shore stood tall. They had to be approaching the gate and all boats were inspected.
As that thought passed through her mind, the door opened.
Alex motioned for her to follow him. “Come on, cupcake.”
Her breath huffed out. “Cupcake?”
“Yeah, you look so pretty, I just want to lick you all over.”
Isa eyebrows rose
as Roke's growl sounded behind him. “Do you mind?”
Alex laughed. “Nah, I don't mind.”
Isabelle joined them at the door. Roke took possession of her hand.
Alex gestured them to follow. “Time to take your places.” They weaved through the corridors. She was just getting her sea legs and stumbled into the wall once or twice as they moved. Roke steadied her, frowning.
They entered a small room filled with coarse wooden coffins. The room smelled sour and rotten like death. Her stomach rolled.
Alex lifted the lid on one pine box. A small boy maybe ten lay in the box. His skin ashen, gaze fixed, mouth open in a perpetual scream. Alex shoved the body over to the side and lifted a hidden lid. Oh shit.
The compartment under the body was small. “I can't fit in there.” She backed up into Roke.
His arm slid around her waist and he looked at Alex. “Isa, you have no choice. It's the only way. They are getting ready to inspect us. Come on.”
She grimaced and Roke lifted her up into the box. It creaked ominously. The body wiggled, and she threw herself backward. “It moved.”
Roke held on. “Come on, Isa, it's just the boat rocking.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, now come on.”
She went to her knees and wiggled into the space under the body. It was tight, but she moved with care so as not to get any splinters. Like sharks in the water, it didn't take much blood for a vamp to smell you. After she got in, she was shocked to see feet land next to her. She edged onto her side to make room. “What are you doing?”
Roke shooed her over and crept in next to her. “Move over.”
“But...will there be enough air?”
He laughed. “Don't need air, cupcake,” he said mockingly.
Alex pressed down the top and darkness engulfed them except for a few holes in the planks letting in a smattering of light. Alex's voice filtered down to them. “Be completely quiet for the next twenty minutes or so. Try not to move, breath hard, anything. Not until I come back for you, okay? They will be in this room inspecting but they rarely look in every box. You should be safe.” Boards shook as he shoved a box over theirs.