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Burning Bright Page 2

  She frowned.

  He raised his eyebrows and held out a hand. “Well?”

  She tipped her head and studied him. Why was he doing this?


  That did it. She sighed and put her hand in his. His fingers closed over hers and she had to suppress a shiver. Professional. “Sure, but not Mexican. I have Gerd.”

  “What is Gerd?”

  “Gastroesophageal Reflux.” She explained. “Anything spicy gives me heartburn.”

  “How about a nice steak?”

  “Sure, that sounds good.”

  Good. He tucked her hand into his arm in this old-fashion gesture that she loved.

  “Did you need to get your purse.”


  “Okay I will meet you in the lab.”

  She nodded and took back her hand. She smoothed her skirt as she rushed out of the room. What had she gotten herself into? She hoped she didn't regret this.


  Bitty Devlin focused the sight on the binoculars so that she had a clear view of the building. She watched as Cynthia, a neat and tidy figure in a burgundy suit. strode in after work and hurried upstairs. From this angle, Bitty had the perfect view of her second floor apartment as she strode inside and shut the door. She checked the dash and the clock. Six fifteen.The girl was such a stickler for schedules which made it easy to predict her movements. This was going to go off perfect.

  She grinned and dropped the glasses.

  This time she wasn’t coming at her foes in a straight line. No, this time, she planned a little bit better. After everything with her poor baby David’s death, one couldn’t fault her for being upset and a little too trigger happy when she went after Brae but this time she’d gotten it perfect. And her revenge would start with a bang.

  She held her breath as the clock ticked down. Five, four, three, two and...

  The blast shook the walls. She watched flames pour out of the windows. Glass shattered and littered the street. A burning figure walked in front of the window and then fell out of view. That would be Cynthia.

  Again. Perfect.

  Bitty smiled. Now there was no competition for Randolph’s attention. She’d woo her man all while getting revenge on her enemies. She, after all, had all the time in the world. No one could prove she was part of the attacks on Sara and Brae. Nor the ones against Vicki. She’d made sure of that. They would all still feel her wrath but she was tired of being alone. Randolph and her had a connection. He made her laugh. Maybe she could be part of them after all. Maybe this was done. We would see. But first things first. She needed to clear the road. No bothersome exes to distract her man. She’d learned that the hard way with David.


  Flick had asked Mallory out to dinner on a whim. Mainly because he didn't want to be alone right now. It felt good to be around others. Sara and Brae were playing house and Vicki and John were still in an actual safe house tucked away from the world courtesy of her grandmother. Going home to his own parents seemed sad.

  He figured after the past few weeks with the attacks on Vicki and John, Sara and Brae. He had a right to be nervous. He’d ended up moving into Vicki’s apartment once Brae fixed up his house and Sara moved in. Now that didn't seem the wisest of ideas. He’d only moved in to help his friend who had a lease and didn't want to carry two house payments. The place had bad juju attached to it after it was firebombed by Bitty when she was after Vicki and John.

  The situation shouldn’t last for long though. He’d bought some land in a surprise for his friends and he was looking to build. No longer would he have to stay in one filled with abstract art and pink piggies everywhere. Vicki may look reserved but the girl liked some weird shit.

  Mallory on the other hand had the look of a school teacher. He loved glasses on women. Made him itch to take them off and let their inner tigress out from behind them.

  She always seemed to have this frown too. He wanted to ease that frown, make her laugh and smile. At him, during sex, if possible. Not during the sex, but afterward.

  He adjusted his pants and smoothed his shirt. No more thinking about sex right now.

  Ever since they sat down at Carlow's, Mallory had done her best to study her menu and ignore him. Little did she know that the Flick liked a pursuit. He watched her study the menu and frown.

  “Did you want something to drink?”

  She jumped at his words. Her eyes flew up to look in his over her glasses. “What?”

  “Do you want some wine?”

  She pursed her lips and pushed back her hair. “No, I don’t think I should have any alcohol. I have to drive home.” Her pointed words reached him.

  He straightened. “That doesn’t mean you can’t have one drink? One small drink?”

  She hesitated. “Well a beer would be good?” He raised an eyebrow. “Wine gives me a headache.”

  “Beer it is.” He loved that. He was a beer man himself.

  The waiter walked over and Flick ordered two Millers. “I wasn’t kidding when I said they serve a good steak here.”

  She glanced down. She should have a salad but eh, steak sounded good. “I’ll have that then.”

  He nodded in agreement. “Excellent. I am going to have the steak as well.

  After the orders were placed, Mallory kept moving her water glass around and played with the condensation. Flick tried engaging her in conversation but she was having none of it. He could try magic? Except, he sucked at it but it would be funny or he could tap his own glass.

  She glanced up at that second. “What?”

  “You are awfully quiet.”

  She shrugged. “I feel kind of odd being out.”

  “How long has it been since you’ve been on a date.”

  Her eyes widened. “This is NOT a date.”

  He waved a hand in the air. “You know what I mean. Out and about.”

  “A bit.”

  “Be more precise.”

  “A long time.”

  “That is not more precise.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. He was used to the gesture in his presence so he continued without a beat. “Why? You’re beautiful woman.”

  She blushed and pushed back that same curl. Gah. “I had a bad experience.”

  Flick leaned forward and focused on her like he had earlier. He didn't put his hand on his chin but it was close.

  “Do tell,” he said.

  “There was this guy.” She peeked at him from under her lashes. He still appeared rapt. “He stalked me.”

  Flicks sharp inward breath bolstered her.

  “We went on a date once and he went crazy. He kept following me, sending me gifts, pictures and messages and there was nothing the cops could do. He didn't hurt me and I made clear in multiple ways that I wasn’t interested but he persisted.” She shrugged.

  “What happened?” he asked?

  “He broke into my apartment one day and was waiting for me in my bedroom. I’d put my purse down in the living room you see and gone to change. As soon as he saw me, he was on me. I tried to be away but he threw me on the bed and tried to kiss me. I’m pretty tech savvy though and I had a home system set up with a panic button. I got over and managed to hit the alarm. As soon as he heard the sirens he took off. He did get charged with that. Breaking and entering but he said I invited him over and he had a friend who said he heard his end of the conversation where I invited him over. It was a he said, she said thing and well. It was awful. They guys dad was pretty rich too and connected so it was hard.”

  Flicks hand covered hers. She raised her eyes. His face was drawn and outright enraged. “It was not your fault and I wish that guy was here right now. I would hurt him.”

  She smiled and squeezed his hand. “That is how my dad took it too. He would wrap me in bubble wrap if he could. It was easier just to move.”

  He kept listening to her and she realized how much she wanted to talk. She couldn't talk to her dad. He went ballistic at the thoug
ht of harm to his baby. As it was, the stalker was the son of one of his friends. He took her side but it was always just a little bit weird.

  “One of my best friends had something like that happen to her.” Flick said.

  Her eyes flew to his at that. “What happened?”

  “Well her name is Vicki. We all went to school together and someone slashed her tires. Put sugar in her gas tank and eventually they tried to blow her up. It didn't work but I saw what she went through and I can’t imagine what that was like.” He squeezed her hand. “I am so sorry that happened to you.”

  “She is okay now right? Your friend.”

  “She is. Her grandmother is rich.” He laughed. “She is also this huge character. Once they realized it wasn’t pranks, Her and my best friend John, moved into a safe house, sort of like that bubble you were talking about.”

  “They’re still there?”

  He nodded his head looking down. “Yeah, There was another incident the next week with one of my other friends as well and the whole situation is complicated to say the least. But I know what you mean. The situation sucks,.it also sucks how it affects everyone around you and I can feel for your father. I couldn't do that much to help my friends when they needed me.”

  She snorted. “Please.”

  He pulled his hand back. “What.”

  “I can tell from one meeting that you were knee deep in helping your friends. Just being there for them is more important that you know. I knew my dad couldn't’ do anything to help but he would die trying. That means something.”

  He smiled and his eyes sparkled at her. The moment stretched. Good thing the waiter arrived with their food and drinks. She took a huge gulp of her beer.

  “This looks great.” The smell of the steak and the baked potato made her hungry. She tucked into her meal without another word and Flick did the same.

  The drinks flowed. She got another and ate more than she had in weeks it seemed. Being stalked had put a damper on her appetite.

  Once she finished she looked up to see Flick smiling at her. “What?” she said as she dabbed away some a1 sauce.

  “Nothing. It is great that you ate. Last date I was on the chick ate a teeny tiny salad and said she was full. It was like three leafs.” He scoffed.

  She flushed again. “I was hungry. And I would like to remind you, this is not a date.”

  “Touche.” He took a swig of his beer. “How do you like Pittsburgh?”

  “It seems nice. Lots of bars. I haven’t really explored. I moved into my place and have been working.”

  “I can take you around. Show you the sights If you want.”

  She smiled and let her eyes drop. “I am not sure that it the best idea. You have a bit of a reputation.”

  “Me?” He batted his eyes. “Do tell. Is it very naughty?”

  “You’re a huge flirt I hear.”

  “That’s true.”

  “You like to party.”

  “That’s true too, to an extent.”

  “And you’re a player.”

  “That is not true.” He folded his arms.

  “It is!”

  He waved his hands. “Up until a few months ago, I’ll have you know I was in a serious relationship. Her name was Cynthia.”

  “Oh do tell?”

  “Not much to tell, it didn't work out and we both moved on.” He picked up his own beer and took a gulp.

  “You seem sad about that.”

  He shrugged. “I guess I am. I tried.”

  “That is all you can do isn’t it?

  He nodded and smiled at her.

  A movement over her shoulder caught his eyes. Blonde hair, red dress, blue eyes in laser focus. Angry eyes. Wait was that?

  He stood up abruptly but the person turned and was out of view.

  Mallory stared at him standing there. “Flick?”

  Um. “Be right back.”


  Flick bolted out of the restaurant and looked around.

  No Bitty.

  He went to the corner and back. Nothing. His hands landed on his hips. This wasn’t his freaking imagination. That was Bitty right? He wondered if the restaurant had security cameras. That had been her right?

  Mallory punched him on the shoulder as he turned around. “What are you doing?”

  “Did you see that girl in the corner? The blond?”

  “What blond.” She looked like he’d slapped her and now she was the one with her hands on her hips.

  Oh ho, She might be a bit jealous. While the thought pleased him, no need to go there. “It’s not like that. Remember I told you about my friends? The one they thought attacked them and instigated it all. Her name is Belinda Devlin and I think I saw her tonight. She was in the corner. I swear I saw her.”

  Mallory glanced around. “Isn’t she in custody?”

  “No, they couldn’t prove she was behind it. She hired people and had a fall guy, her dad.” He swallowed hard. “I need to call someone about this.”

  She frowned while he dialed in Bentleys number. He’d meant to call him earlier but she’d distracted him.

  A clipped voice answered on the first ring. “Detective Bentley.”

  “Hi Bentley, This is Flick, Err, Randolph Johnson.”

  His voice warmed up. “Hello Flick. How are you doing?”

  He sucked in a breath. “I’m not sure.”

  Bentley’s voice went into cop mode, all professional. “What’s going on?”

  Mallory put a hand on his arm and he covered it with his.

  “I think I just saw Belinda Devlin.”

  “And? She’s not in custody. We couldn’t connect her to any of the attacks, though I’ve definitely tried. What has you worried?”

  Flick turned away from Mallory and covered the phone trying to shield the next words. “Well you know how I went on the date with her? I’m there again tonight and I‘ve been getting gifts and weird messages.” He felt stupid even saying it, but now that the words were out there he did kind of feel better. Bentley was probably going to blow off his concerns anyways. He was just being paranoid.

  “Where are you now? We should talk.”

  “Just like that.”


  He liked this guy. “I’m leaving Carlow’s now. We can meet at my place.”

  “I’m on shift tonight on a stake out. Can you come down to the station tomorrow to talk.”

  “I can do that. And listen thanks.”

  “I haven’t done anything.” Bentley said dryly.

  “You didn't blow me off either.” Flick smiled as he pressed end on the call. The smile faded when he saw Mallory staring at him

  She with her hands on her hips. “You went on a date with her? The girl who attacked your friend?”

  Obviously his attempts at subterfuge sucked. “ Yes, I was trying to get information out of her. Under cover like a spy but it didn't work.”

  “What is this about gifts?”

  She just wasn’t going to give this up. He glanced around. This was way to open to talk. He felt too exposed.

  “Nothing. Listen. I had a great time at dinner.” He hesitated. “Do you mind if I call you sometime?”

  Mallory froze. Um. “I guess so?”

  Flick held up his phone. She entered her digits.

  “I will call you.” He hesitated a second then took off at a run for his car.

  Mallory stared as his back as he retreated. Seeing that girl really freaked him out. And it kind of freaked her out. She glanced around then walked to her own car before speeding home.

  It surprised her how much she enjoyed the night. Too much. Until the end when Flick ran out off the restaurant like his pants were on fire.

  It hurt a girl’s ego. She punched her pillow and moved to a more comfortable position on the bed. She could understand though. When she was being stalked, she’d jumped at every sound. Who was she kidding, she still did that. Thus the no dates for however long she’d been here.

Flick was nice. Hot. Friendly. But he came with baggage obviously. Did she really want to go there? Especially given how the night ended? She’d given him her number but really, what was she thinking>

  Her phone dinged with a text from an unknown number.

  I had a great time tonight. Maybe we can do it again soon?

  She smiled and held the phone to her chin before tying her reply. Who is this?

  Big Daddy

  The sax player. I love the sax.

  Blues sucks.


  I’d rather bite yours.

  Her cheeks heated. She hesitated replying. What to say. She had a good time until the end. He really was sexy. Too sexy. Way too sexy. She could get lost too easily in that sexy. Not just sexy but like sexy smart. The deadly kind. The kind who knew it.

  Too soon? Sorry.

  Where are you? She asked

  At home.

  Why did you run out?

  I will tell you everything over lunch tomorrow?

  She hesitated but he was just too damn sexy.

  Lunch. I better get some answers.

  You will.

  A minute or two passed.

  What are you wearing?

  Too soon?


  His texts came in a flurry making her laugh. Her fingers hovered over the phone.

  I’m not wearing anything at all.

  She grinned after she sent it and immediately turned her phone off. Let him grind on that for a bit. She waited a minute then almost turned it back on but she knew where that would lead and she didn’t want that right now. Not right now.

  Still, it felt nice to be wanted.

  She fell asleep with a smile on her face that wouldn’t even last a day.


  Bitty raged.

  How dare Randolph go on a date. He was hers. She’d claimed him. They’d just been on a date themselves. She’d told him how much it meant to her. How dare he go out with someone else.

  Especially a cow like that. She had glasses for Christ sake.

  Her hands shook as she slid behind the wheel of her Lexus and took off, peeling out of the parking lot.